Reconnective Healing®
Reconnective Healing® tends to be a life-changing experience. Now, for the first time, you may access a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing than has been attainable at any point prior to now, one that not only includes yet expands beyond any and all known forms of “energy” healing.
The Reconnective Healing® spectrum is comprised of the full healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light and information. It allows for healings that are not just physical, not just mental, not just emotional… yet go beyond that to bring you healing that includes the evolution of your very being and essence!
Vastly different than Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, Qi Gong or any healing “technique” ever encountered, Reconnective Healing® allows you to transcend technique and its limitations. Entirely.
“If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you’ve not even dreamed of – one that the Universe specifically has in mind for you.”
– Dr. Eric Pearl
Your interaction with these highly palpable energies is initiated during your session, and they continue to work with you long after you’ve left your Reconnective Healing® Practitioner. Following your sessions, you will be attuned to a more comprehensive and evolutionary healing frequency than ever before.
Please call 604-377-2197 to make your appointment now…